ML Work Orders™ Users with Administrative Permissions have the ability to Manage Request Types.
Note: "Name" is only editable by MasterLibrary, if you would like to adjust the name of an existing Request Type, or add a new one, please reach out to support here:
Manage Request Types:
1. Select Settings > Manage Request Types
The Manage My Request Types page will be displayed.
2. Select the () Edit Icon to edit an existing Request Type.
Show space on the request form: having this checked will disable the Space field on the request form for this Request Type.
Default "Send Email" Notes Checkbox On: Checking this off will default this checkbox to be checked on all WOs within this request type.
Default "Internal" Notes Checkbox On: Checking this off will default this checkbox to be checked on all WOs within this request type.
Show in Menu: When this is checked, this will appear in the new request and menu drop-down for submitting work orders. If disabled, this request type can only be accessed via Custom Form.
Active: Unchecking this will disable the request type.
Show Requested Completion Date:
- Allow all users to enter a "Requested Completion Date" when submitting a work order. Choose "All Users" from the drop-down menu and select Save.
- If only Admin Users to have this ability then select "Admin Only" from the drop-down menu and select Save.
- Selecting No will hide the completion date field for all users.
- Required - Will require anyone filling out a Work Order to select an option in this field.
Show Purpose on Request Form:
- To only show Purpose filter on the Work Order Request form to users with permission, select "Only Show to Users with Permission".
- To Require Purpose filter on the Work Order Request form to be completed by all users, select "Required for All Users (Override Permissions)".
- To show Purpose Filter on the Work Order Request form to all users (without requiring), select "Show to All Users (Override Permissions)".
Show Problem Type:
- Allow all users to enter a "Problem Type" when submitting a work order. Choose "All Users" from the drop-down menu and select Save.
- If only Admin Users to have this ability then select "Admin Only" from the drop-down menu and select Save.
- Required - Will require anyone filling out a Work Order to select an option in this field.
Show Priority on Request Form:
- If you would like all users to see the Priority filter on the Work Order Request form, select "All Users".
- If you only want Admin Users to see Priority filter the Work Order Request form select "Admin Only".
Show Asset on Request Form:
- If you would like all users to see the Asset filter on the Work Order Request form, select "Show to All Users (Override Permissions)".
- If you only want users with permission to see the Asset Filter the Work Order Request form select "Only Show to Users with Permission".
3. Select from the Field Section dropdown menu to add a section to the Request Form. Select the dynamic fields in which you would like to be displayed within the selected section.
4. Select the Save button and repeat step 3 for any new sections.
5. The added sections and associated fields will now be displayed on the form for the selected Request Type.
Making a Custom Field Required
1. Select Settings > Manage Request Types.
2. Select the () Edit Icon to edit an existing Request Type.
3. Select a New Section, or add a field by clicking into a blank area.
4. Once you have the field added, select the () button next to the section.
5. Select the () Edit Icon next to the field you want to be required.
6. Ensure the checkbox under “Required” is checked off, and click Save.
The custom field will now be required when filling out a Work Order.
Related Article: Manage Dynamic Field Lists and Sections
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