ML Work Orders™ uses a series of Roles which contain specific Permissions to determine what aspects of the system a user can access and what they can do. Each district can create custom names of the roles which they want to use and assign the appropriate permissions.
For example: The Role of "Teacher" should be given Permission to submit a work order, but not assign that work order to facilities staff, etc.
To set this up while logged in as an Admin in ML Work Orders™:
1. Select Users Manage Roles.
2. To add a new Role, click the Add Icon () or to edit an existing Role, select the Edit icon()
The Manage Role page will be displayed.
3. Give the Role a name and assign the necessary Permissions.
Work Order Permissions:
- Add Inventory to WOs - Gives the User the ability to add inventory items to work orders
- Approve on Behalf of Others - Users can approve a work order for another user.
- Note: If a user has this permission and submits a work order while on an approval path the work order will be pending step 1.
- Approve WOs – Can approve work order requests
- Assign WOs to Others – Can assign work orders to other users
- Note: If you have this permission checked, you will need to make sure you have the applicable role(s) selected in the "Can Assign WO To" dropdown
- Note: If you have this permission checked, you will need to make sure you have the applicable role(s) selected in the "Can Assign WO To" dropdown
- Associate WOs with Project - Can assign a Work Order to a Project
- Bypass Approval - When a user has "Bypass Approval", they should see a checkbox labeled "Require Approval on this Work Order" above the submit work order button. The checkbox is checked by default. - If you uncheck this and click submit, it will automatically approve the work order.
- Can be Assigned WOs – Can be assigned work orders to perform work
- Can Submit Request on Half of Others - Allows the user to enter a work order on behalf of another staff member
- Cancel Work Order - User can cancel work orders
- Close WOs – Can officially close out a Work Order, and will automatically be notified of completed work orders. A pop-up will display once this is checked off.
- Complete WOs on Behalf of Others – Can complete work orders that are assigned to other users
- Edit WOs – Can edit work order information
- Enter Asset on WOs – Can link assets (Equipment) to work orders
- Enter Assigned Assets on WOs – Can link assets (Equipment) to work orders if the assets are assigned to the user
- Enter Budget Code on WOs – Can enter budget code information on work orders
- Enter Labor and Pruchases on WOs – Can enter labor hours on work orders as well as purchase cost information
- Enter Purpose on WOs – Can enter a purpose for work orders
- Manage Projects - Can manage projects within the system
- Reroute Work Order - User has the ability to reroute a Work Order for additional approval
- Submit Work Order - Can submit work orders
- View All WOs – Can view all work orders at a specific building
- View Labor and Purchases Report – Can access the work order labor report as well as the purchase report
- View WO Report – Can access the Work Order Report
Asset Permissions:
- Add Asset: Allows the user to add an asset to the system
- Delete Asset: Allows the user to delete assets
- Edit Asset: Allows the user to edit all asset information
- Edit Asset Building: Allows the user to edit the building field on an asset
- Edit Asset Name: Allows the user to edit the name field on an asset
- Edit Asset Space: Allows the user to edit the space field on an asset
- Edit Assigned User: Allows the user to edit the Assigned User field on an asset
- Edit Barcode: Allows the user to edit the barcode field on an asset
- Edit Serial number: Allows the user to edit the serial number field on an asset
- Inactivate Asset: Allows the user to inactivate an asset
- View Assets: Allows the user to view assets
- View Binders: Allows the user to view binders associated with the asset (must have MLBinders subscription)
- View Drawings: Allows the user to view drawings associated with an asset on the Asset details page (must have ML Drawings)
Inventory Permissions:
- Add Inventory: Gives the User the ability to add inventory items to the system
- Approve Inventory Requests on Behalf of Others - User can approve Inventory Requests pending somebody else.
- Can be Assigned Inventory Requests - User can be assigned to complete an inventory request
- Complete Inventory Requests on Behalf of Others - User can complete inventory requests that are assigned to other users
- Edit Inventory: Gives User the ability to Add, Edit, or Adjust inventory items
- Request Inventory - Can request inventory items
- View Inventory: Gives the User the ability to view inventory items, but does not allow them to edit these items.
- View Inventory Reports - User can access the Inventory Reports
- View Inventory Requests - User can see all Inventory Requests associated with their building.
Preventative Maintenance Permissions:
- Manage PMs: User can add or edit PM Schedules
- View PMs: User can view PM Schedules
4. Repeat Steps 1 - 3 for any other Roles you would like to set up.
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