Users with the administrative permission "Manage Site Settings" have the ability to add floors to the system. Once the floors have been added, you can link them to an existing building(s). Once the floor has been linked to a building. It can be linked to spaces under the building selected.
Adding a Floor
1. Select Settings > Setup Items > Manage Floors from the left-side navigation menu
2. Select the () option to add a new floor
3. Fill out the floor name and select one or more buildings the floor will be linked to
You will see the new building on the Manage Floors page along with the linked buildings.
The floor can be modified by selecting the pencil icon () and can be deleted by selecting the delete icon (
Note: Floors can only be deleted if they are not linked to a space.
Linking a Floor to a Space
1. Select Locations > Manage Spaces from the left-side navigation menu
2. Select the pencil icon () to edit an existing space
3. Select the floor field, and pick the floor being linked to that space
4. Select Save.
Note: Floors will only appear based on the building of the space being edited.
The following message may appear if you use both MLW and MLD. "Please note that this change will also impact the settings on ML Drawingsā€¯
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