Space Delete Update
An update to the ML Work Orders and ML Drawings integration; deleting a space in ML Work Orders will only save if there are no existing space stamps for that space in ML Drawings.
Note/File Update
Users can now only edit/delete their notes and files. Previously, anyone with edit permissions could edit or delete notes and files added by any user. This affects the following areas in ML Work Orders: Assets, Work Orders.
New Dashboards
The Asset Dashboard has been replaced by separate dashboards under the Reports menu.
1. Facilities Asset Dashboard: Will only display assets with facility/maintenance asset types.
2. Technology Asset Dashboard: Will only display assets with technology asset types.
Please click HERE to learn more.
Workflow Update
The page navigation has updated for work orders in such a way that when users go through the work order process, they will now be taken back to the page they were previously on before clicking into the work order. For example, if they were on a page with a filter set to Open Work Orders assigned to them, went into a work order, and closed it out, they will now be returned back to the Open Work Orders page assigned to them.
Custom Forms Account Creation
Admins can allow accounts to be created through the online custom form. When outside users submit a work order request, it will present an option for the user to create an account for them with the email being used. In addition to this, text notifications on the work order status can be enabled once a new account is created.
Please click HERE to learn more.
Google Translate
Google Translate has been added to MLW, which is included on all pages, including the community facing custom forms.
EFR Standard Fields
Standard fields for Asset Types have been implemented inside of ML Work Orders. MasterLibrary has adopted the EFR Standard for asset data, which is now present when assets are created and are retroactively applied to existing asset data. Please click HERE to learn more!
Receive Inventory
The Receive Inventory page now shows the unit of the inventory item.
Inventory Transfer
Users with the Edit Inventory permission can now transfer inventory stock from one location to another. Please click HERE to learn more.
Inventory Tracking Report Update
Users viewing the report will now see the subtotal of the inventory costs when grouping by an inventory item.
Google Nightly Sync
Admins will be able to see if their nightly sync is enabled with a checkbox on the "Google SSO Admin" page.
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