Assign To Me Button
Users with the permission to assign work orders and can be assigned work orders, can now assign a work order to themselves on the View All Work Orders page. Please click HERE to learn more.
Open Work Orders Page Update
The Open Work Orders Page has been updated to show all Open Work Orders regardless of when they were entered inside of the system. You may have noticed a total number change on this page. In addition to this, searching on the Open Work Orders page will only search for open work orders. If you search for a closed or completed work order on this page, it will not display anything.
Asset Import Utility
Users now have the ability to do their own asset imports and map to their own data columns. Please click HERE to learn more.
View All Asset Page Update
An additional column has been added for another filtering option on the View All Assets Page. "# of Open Work Orders" will add a column and display the number of open work orders associated with an asset.
Manage Issues
ML Work Orders has a new section in the system called "Issues" With the addition of Issues, ML Work Orders allows for an easy way for districts to capture their asset issues and plan for their resolution in the future. Please click HERE to learn more.
Asset Type (Public or Private)
There is now a setting that will decide if an asset type is private or public based on the asset type. This can come into play when someone is scanning a QR code. If it is private, the user will need to login to see the information. If it is public the QR code will display the Asset Details. Please click HERE to learn more.
Manage Labor Types
There is a way to categorize the labor types for users entering labor hours on their Work Orders. Please click HERE to learn more.
Ability to Use Roles in Approval Paths, Auto Assignments, and Auto Notify
Admins now have the ability to apply Approval Paths, Auto Assignments, Auto Notify to a specific role. If you assign any of these to a corresponding role, they will go to anyone who has that role inside the system.
In the example above, any Maintenance work order will be sent for approval to all custodians and only one of them will need to approve the Work Order.,
Manage Barcode Types
In ML Work Orders, customers use different types of barcodes. This new feature will enable admins to add additional Barcode Types which will appear on assets when editing and adding. Please click HERE to learn more.
Enable Text Notifications for Urgent WO's
Users can select their profile and enable text notifications for a Work Order that is marked urgent. Please see below.
On Hold Update
Users can now move a work order to On Hold, and there will be two options. Please click HERE to learn more.
Put on hold indefinitely
Specify date to remove hold (With date picker - only allow future dates)
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