Welcome to our ML Work Orders Back To School Guide! In this comprehensive resource, we have gathered some of the most common questions that people often have to begin the school year. We understand that the beginning of the school year can be overwhelming, so we have created this collection of FAQs to ensure that your ML Work Orders system is ready to go for the start of the new school year!
How do I send a Welcome Email to a new staff member?
With another new school year approaching, there are going to be new staff members that you'll want to make sure have access to ML Work Orders. In this case, sending a welcome email to that individual will provide them with a link to your program, with directions on how to sign in (create a password, whether it's Google or LDAP).
You can do this by going to Users > Manage Users, and then clicking the envelope icon next to the person's name you want to send the welcome email to.
For more information on managing users, please click here to view our full article.
While on the manage users page, I noticed that there are some roles missing that we need. How do I add a new role?
A new role can be added and assigned to a user at any time. Roles in ML Work Orders contain specific permissions to determine what aspects of the system a user can access and what they can do. Your district can create custom names of the roles which they want to use and assign the appropriate permissions to that role. For example: The Role of "Teacher" should be given Permission to submit a work order, but not assign that work order to facilities staff, etc. To set up a new role, follow these steps:
Click Users > Manage Roles.
To add a new Role, click the Plus Icon or to edit an existing Role, select the Pencil Icon. The Manage Role page will be displayed.
Give the Role a name and assign the necessary Permissions. Click the Save button once your role is completed. For a more in depth breakdown of adding roles, please click here to view our full support article.
For more information on managing roles, please click here to view our full article.
How should I walk someone through resetting their password?
There will be times when a staff member forgets their password to sign into ML Work Orders. If someone is having trouble, you can use these steps to walk them through the process:
From the ML Work Orders login page, click the "Forgot Password?" link.
Enter your email address, and select "Send Reset Email". Note: If your account is connected to Google or LDAP Active Directory, the email is going to refer you to your technology team since MasterLibrary does not have the authority to view or reset those credentials.
Once your password has been reset, you can use the new one to log in. After resetting your password, there is an option to return to the log in page.
For more information on password resets, please click here to view our full article.
How do I instruct a user on how to submit a work order?
With an influx of new users at the district, there will be staff members that may have some questions on how to submit a work order once they're in the system. Use these steps to walk them through the process!
Once the user is logged into ML Work Orders, select the "New Request" button at the top right of the page.
On the work order screen, the user can enter the requested information. Note: Any required field will have a red asterisk to the right. You will not be able to proceed unless this field is filled out. In addition to this, any custom fields will automatically be displayed at the bottom of the Work Order form (these fields can also be required).
Select the "Submit Work Order" button at the bottom of the page. Note: If you're a user with the permission to "Bypass Approval" there will be a checkbox before submitting a request. If you uncheck "Require Approval on this Work Order" and click submit, it will automatically be approved.
The work order will now go through the approval process, and the requester will be notified via email of any status updates to that work order.
For more information on submitting a work order, please click here to view our full article.
Speaking of work orders going through approval paths, how do I know my district's approval paths are set up correctly?
Prior to the start of the new school year, it's very important to double check your approval paths to make sure that the work orders that will submitted will go through the proper approval. At any time, you can add or update an existing approval path by following these steps:
Select Settings > Manage Approval Paths.
To add an approval path, select the Plus icon (). To edit an approval path, select the Pencil icon.
Enter a Name, Description, Request Type, Building(s), Space(s), and Problem Type(s) for the approval path.
Select the Add Step button to add each approval step as needed and select the individual responsible for that specific step of approval. Note: If multiple users are selected for one approval step, only one of those users has to act upon the work order in order to keep it moving in the process. In addition to this, you can have a role as a step. This will allow anyone with the role listed to be notified of approval for the WO, and anyone with that role can approve that step.
Click the "Save" button.
For more information on setting up approval paths for work orders, please click here to view our full article.
With the start of the school year being so busy, is there a way to assign work orders without an approval path?
If your district finds that certain types of work orders are consistently being assigned to the same user, you can set up auto assignments. This essentially takes the approval process out of the equation. There are a few different ways that you set these up by including
- Request Type
- Building
- Problem Type
For example: You may want to auto assign all Maintenance Work Orders for your High School that are related to Keys and Locks to a specific staff member (or staff members). To set these up you will need to take the following steps:
Click Settings > Manage Auto Assignments
Click the Plus Icon to add a new Auto Assignment rule or select the Pencil Icon to edit an existing if your district already has some set up. The Manage Auto Assignment page will be displayed.
Fill out the information on this page, filling out the Request Type, Building(s), Problem Type(s), User(s), and Role(s) that you want this auto assignment rule to apply to. Note: If you select a role, this will automatically assign any WO met with the criteria above to everyone that has the specific role selected. This is typically used for Technology Departments.
Click the "Save" button. The Work Order will then automatically be assigned to the selected user(s) and they will receive an email notification that a Work Order has been assigned to them. Note: Approval will automatically be bypassed for these Work Orders.
For more information on auto approval, please click here to view our full article.
Is there a way to notify someone of a work order if they're not in the approval process, or even being assigned the work order?
There will be instances where you want an individual to be notified of different work orders, even if they aren't involved directly with that work order. To solve for this, you can set up auto notifications. Just like auto assignments that we discussed in the last section, auto notifications can be set up by:
- Request Type
- Building
- Problem Type
For example: You may want to auto notify the Principal at your High School whenever work orders within that building change statuses. To set these up you will need to take the following steps:
Click Settings > Manage Auto Notify
Click the Plus Icon to add a new Auto Notify rule or select the Pencil Icon to edit an existing if your district already has some set up. The Manage Notify page will be displayed.
Fill out the information on this page, filling out the Request Type, Building(s), Problem Type(s), User(s), and Role(s) that you want this auto assignment rule to apply to. Note: This will automatically notify every user with the following role of the status change.
Click the Save button. The selected Users will automatically receive an email notification when a Work Order has changed statuses.
For more information on auto notify, please click here to view our full article.
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