Users with the admin permission "Can Delete Work Order" can delete work orders as long as labor hours, files, and transactions are not logged on the work order. In addition to this, they can view the deletion history.
If these items are listed they cannot be deleted due to record retention purposes.
Enabling The Permission
1. Select Users Manage Users from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Select the Pencil Icon () next to the user you want to give this Permission to.
3. Scroll down to the bottom and check off "Can Delete Work Order."
4. Click Save.
Deleting a Work Order
1. Click into the Work Order you want to delete.
2. Click the actions button at the top right, and click Delete.
3. Click YES to acknowledge the work order is being deleted.
Confirmation will be displayed, and you can then click "ok."
Deleting Work Orders in Mass
1. Click Work Orders > View All Work Orders from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Check off multiple Work Orders you want to delete on the right-hand side.
3. Click Actions > Delete at the top-right.
A modal will be displayed showing what Work Orders can be deleted vs what cannot.
Work Orders cannot be deleted due to files, labor, purchases, etc.
4. Type in the word Delete to ensure you agree to remove the work orders from the system.
5. Click Delete.
6. Click OK for one last confirmation
If you need to view all Deleted Work Orders, please review the below process.
Viewing The Deleted Work Orders
1. Click Work Orders Deleted Work Orders from the left-side navigation menu.
The page will be displayed. From here, you can see some of the work order details and who deleted them. Keep in mind, the only users that can view this page must have the admin permission "Can Delete Work Order".
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