To access the Issues Module in ML Work Orders, you will first need the Issues Module added to your ML Work Orders subscription. If you would like to add the Issues Module to your ML Work Orders subscription, please contact us.
Once the Issue module is turned on, you will see a new "Issue" permission section when editing/adding roles.
In order to be able to add, edit, and complete Issues, you will need the two following permissions:
- View Issues
- Manage Issues
You can add the following permissions to any existing Role. Please click HERE to learn more about adding permissions. Once those permissions are added to your role you will see a new "Issue" menu option on the left side navigation menu
Setting Up the Issue Form
1. Select Issues > Configure Issue Form on the left-side navigation menu
2. Select the checkboxes to decide if the field is required
3. Select the checkboxes to decide if that field will be visible on the form
4. Click Save.
Adding an Issue
1. Select Issues > New Issues on the left-side navigation menu OR select Issues > Manage Issues > Actions >Add Issue
2. Fill out the Issue Form
Note: Any red asterisk is a required field.
3. Click Save.
NOTE: The following fields are always required on the issue form and are non-configurable
- Title: Providing a brief summary of the issue will make it easier to search for specific issues.
- Building, Building Area, Building Area System: Required so that we can calculate a Facility Condition Index (FCI) for Building Area
Editing an Issue
1. Select Issues > Manage Issues on the left-side navigation menu to view all of the issues inside of MLW
2. Select either the pencil edit icon () or the Issue ID Button (example - )
3. If you decided to select the Issue ID button, then select () when viewing the issue
4. Fill out the new information in the modal
5. Click Save.
Delete an Issue
1. Select Issues > Manage Issues on the left-side navigation menu to view all of the issues inside of MLW
2. For the Issue you would like to delete, select the existing issue ID button (example - )
3. Select () when viewing the issue
4. Press OK on the popup to acknowledge you're deleting an issue
Complete an Issue
1. Select Issues> Manage Issues on the left-side navigation menu to view all of the issues inside of MLW
2. For the Issue you are looking to Complete, select an existing issue ID button (example - )
3. Select () when viewing the issue
Note: Once you select complete, The issue will be removed from the Facility Condition Index (FCI) calculation of its associated Building Area.
Additional Viewing Options on the Manage Issues Page.
Sorting Columns.
1. Select the column header to sort all issues based on that specific column.
Note: The column will be highlighted in blue when it is being sorted on.
Filter Issues.
1. By selecting the three vertical dots within the header, each column can be filtered further.
A menu will be displayed that allows you to filter specific selections within the selected column.
2. Select the checkbox next to each item you would like to filter on, and then select the Filter button at the bottom of the menu.
Adding Columns for filtering and sorting.
More columns can be added for additional filtering options. You can add columns by selecting the columns button ( ) at the top right of the page. Next, select a column you want to display and click the right arrow (in red).
If you need to remove a column, select the options you want to remove on the right-hand-side and choose the left arrow (in green)
Note: The Manage Issues search bar will search on the following fields: Title, Building, Area, Area System and Description
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