To access the Asset Depreciation Report, you will need either the "View Asset" Or "Edit Asset" asset permission in your role(s).
To navigate to the depreciation report, select Reports > Asset Depreciation Report in the left-side menu
Search ()
- The search bar searches on all displayed fields in this report.
Clear Filter ()
- Selecting this button will revert the current state of the report back to its default state
Actions ()
- Selecting this option will allow you to export the report to Excel, export to PDF, Add a New Saved Report and Deleting a Saved Report
Columns ()
- Use the column button to select which columns you would like to display on the grid
Column Specific Context
Dep. Per Year
- The Dep. Per Year value is pulled right from the asset record itself.
- The equation is (Purchase Cost - Salvage Value) / Useful Life Years
- Example ($10,000 - $2,000) / 10 = $800 Dep. Per Year
Accumulated Dep. Value
- The Accumulated Dep. Value is based on the latest date applied via the date range filter
- Example: $800 Dep. Per Year and the Purchase date is 1/1/2021. If you set the date range to be 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023. The accumulated depreciation value will be $1,600 since 2 years have passed since the purchase date.
- NOTE: This only updates based on YEARs, and does not drill down to month.
Total Dep. Value
- The Total Dep. Value will sum up the accumulated depreciation up to today's date. This value will not change based on the date range filters applied.
- This way you can always compare the accumulated depreciation value over a period of time against what has accumulated up to today's date.
- NOTE: This only updates based on YEARs, and does not drill down to month
Net Book Value
- The Net Book Value equation is (Purchase Cost - Total Dep. Value).
- If the Asset has a salvage value, the net book value will not go below the salvage value, otherwise it will eventually deplete to $0.00
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