ML Work Orders™ Users with the Manage PM's permission associated with their role have the ability to Manage Preventative Maintenance Procedures.
To Add a New Procedure:
1. Select PMs > Manage Procedures.
The Manage My Procedures page will be displayed.
2. To add a new Procedure, select the Add Procedure button from the Procedures page.
3. Enter the Name, Estimated Time (minutes), and Description of the procedure.
4. Select the Save or Save & Add Step (to add an additional step) button.
Note: If you select Save & Add Step an additional text box will appear where you can quickly add a new step.
Additional Viewing Options on the Manage Procedures Page.
Sorting Columns.
1. Select the column header to sort all procedures based on that specific column.
Note: The column will be highlighted in blue when it is being sorted on.
Filter Procedures.
1. By selecting the three vertical dots within the header, each column can be filtered further.
A menu will be displayed that allows you to filter specific selections within the selected column.
2. Select the checkbox next to each item you would like to filter on, and then select the Filter button at the bottom of the menu.
Adding Columns for filtering and sorting.
More columns can be added for additional filtering options. You can add columns by selecting the columns button ( ) at the top right of the page. Next, select a column you want to display and click the right arrow (in red).
If you need to remove a column, select the options you want to remove on the right-hand-side and choose the left arrow (in green)
To Edit an Existing Procedure:
1. Select the edit icon () to the far right of the Procedure.
2. Edit any information as needed (Name, Estimated Time (minutes), Description).
3. To add a new Step to an existing Procedure, select the Add Icon ().
4. Enter the description for the new step.
5. Select the Save & Add Step button if you need to add more items to the procedure, or select the Save button if you are finished.
Going through a procedure
1. Select the work order that is going to be worked on
2. Select In Progress
3. Click the Procedure tab at the top of the Work Order Details page
4. Select Begin Steps.
5. Go through each step and YES or NO for completing. N/A is also an option if you're unable to complete that step.
Note: When users are beginning their steps, they have the ability to upload a file and attach an image if there is an issue. Each step will have its own file option.
Generate a Work Order from a Procedure Step!
You can also generate a Work Order from any step in the procedure list once you complete a step by providing a Yes, No or N/A answer.
This way you can easily create a work order to track work needed to resolve any potential issues while going through your procedure list.
6. Select Save.
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