ML Work Orders™ uses a series of Roles that contain specific Permissions to determine what aspects of the system a user can access and what they can do. Each district can create custom names for the roles which they want to use and assign the appropriate permissions.
There are 3 permissions involving Inventory:
1. Manage Inventory: Gives User the ability to Add, Edit, or Adjust inventory items
2. View Inventory: Gives the User the ability to view inventory items, but does not allow them to edit these items.
3. View Inventory Reports: Gives the User the ability to view the inventory tracking and consumption reports.
4. Add Inventory to Work Orders: Gives the User the ability to add inventory items to work orders.
5. Approve Inventory Requests on Behalf of Others: Gives the User the ability to approve inventory requests even if the request is pending another User's approval.
6. Complete Inventory Requests on Behalf of Others: Gives the User the ability to complete inventory requests even if the request is assigned to another User.
7. Can be Assigned Inventory: Gives the User the ability to be assigned inventory requests. The User will show up as an option when assigning inventory requests to be delivered.
8. Request Inventory: Gives the User the ability to submit an inventory request.
To set this up while logged in as an Admin in ML Work Orders™:
1. Select Users > Manage Roles.
2. To add a new Role, click the Add Icon () or to edit an existing Role, select the () Edit icon.
3. Give the Role a name and assign the necessary inventory Permissions.
4. Repeat Steps 1 - 3 for any other Roles you would like to set up.
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