Users with the Manage Site Settings permission will decide if certain Asset Types can be checked out and in. Once that Asset Type has been enabled to be checked out and in, any asset with the following Asset Type will now be enabled for this feature.
Enabling an Asset Type to be Checked Out/In
1. Select Assets > Manage Asset Types from the left-side navigation menu
2. Select the () icon next to the Asset Type you would like to enable
3. Select the checkbox to allow the assets to be checked out/in
4. Select Save.
Checking an Asset Out/In
1. Select Assets> View All Assets from the left-side navigation menu
2. Click on the Asset you would like to check-out, by selecting the name of the asset to open up the detail view of the asset
3. Select the () button
Note: Check-Out option will only display if the asset has a status of "available" or if the status is left blank. Otherwise the Check-Out button will not appear for the asset record.
4. Fill out the information in the pop-up modal
Assign To: This field will automatically display existing users. However, names can be typed and entered here as well. A good example would be typing in a student's name to assign the asset to, but it will not log them as a user in the program.
Change Space: This option will only appear if the logged in user has the "Edit Asset Space" asset permission in their role. The Space selection will default to the current space the asset is associated to. You can update the space location of the asset to a more accurate location while it is being checked out.
5. Select Check-Out.
NOTE: The following message prompt will display for you to confirm the check-out If you are checking out an asset that already has an assigned user, and the asset is NOT checked out.
Select OK to finish the check-out proces
Once the asset has been checked out. You will follow the same process to check it back in.
1. Select Assets > View All Assets from the left-side navigation menu
2. Click on the Asset you would like to check-in, by selecting the name of the asset to open up the detail view of the asset
3. Select the () button
4. Fill out the information in the pop-up modal
Change Space
- This option will only appear if the logged on user has the "Edit Asset Space" asset permission in their role
- The space selection will default to the space the asset was located at prior to the asset check-out. If the asset space did not change when it was checked out, then the space will default will keep the same space.
5. Select Check-In.
Viewing the Check-Out History
1. Select Assets View All Assets from the left-side navigation menu
2. Click on the Asset you would like to check-out
3. Click on the Check-Out History tab on the Asset Details page
The Asset Check-Out History will be displayed
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