To perform asset Audits in ML Work Orders (MLW), you will need to make sure you have the "Edit Asset Space" asset permission within your role.
Having that permission will allow you to see the "Perform Audit" action on the following pages
- View All Assets
- View All Assets (all fields)
- Asset Tab when editing a Space record
In addition, you will have access to the "Manage Audits" page, which will give you a listing of all Audits conducted.
Brief Overview Video of the Audit Workflow in ML Work Orders
Performing Audit Steps
1. Check the assets you would like to Audit and select Actions > Perform Audit.
- NOTE: This step is the same as View All Assets, View All Assets (All Fields), and The Asset Tab when Editing a Space Record.
2. The Perform Audit Page will load in your selected Assets.
- The Audit at this point will be marked "In Progress"
3. (Optional) - Name your Audit
- The name will default to include a date/time stamp of when the Audit was created
4. Date your Audit
- The Audit date can be adjusted to any date.
5. Search Assets to add any ad-hoc assets to this Audit
- If you happened to find more assets along your Audit that should be included that were not in your original list, feel free to search for those assets via this search box
- You can also search for these assets via barcode scan
6. Check the Confirmation checkbox to confirm/verify the location of the asset in the Audit.
- The user that checks the confirmation checkbox will have their name and date/time stamp of the confirmation displayed on the Audit list for that asset. This is so each Asset verification is documented.
- Location Adjustments
- If you need to adjust the location of the asset during the Audit, please select the pencil icon and select the proper space.
- Select the checkmark icon to save your location change.
- NOTE: Any location adjustments will only update on the asset record once the Audit is marked complete!
- If you need to adjust the location of the asset during the Audit, please select the pencil icon and select the proper space.
- Removing Asset from Audit
- To remove an asset from the Audit, please select the trash can icon to the far right of the page
- Confirm the asset removal from the Audit by selecting OK.
- To remove an asset from the Audit, please select the trash can icon to the far right of the page
7. Select Submit Audit to complete your Audit!
Manage Audits Page
Navigate to Assets > Manage Audits to see a listing of all Audits in your program
- The Name link will direct you to your Audit
- The # of Audited Assets is a count of all assets that have/had a confirmation checkbox in the Audit. Assets that do/did not have a checkmark for confirmation will count as "Non-Audited Assets".
NOTE: If an Audit is marked complete, the Audit page will become read-only / not editable. This is to ensure accurate records of prior Audits.
Asset Detail Page - Audits Tab
Once an asset is included in an Audit, an Audit tab will populate on the asset records detail page. This way you can track the Audit history of each asset.
- The Audit Name is a clickable link to direct you right to your Audit.
- On this tab, the Date field is the create date
- The Status will sync real-time to the status of the Audit the Audit create user is tracked.
View All Assets (All Fields)
When an asset gets a confirmation checkmark during the Audit, the "Last Audit User" and "Last Audit Date" will update.
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