1. Select Users > Manage Users
The Manage Users page may display the following icons per row based on your permissions
(Send Welcome Email). If you have "Manage Users and Permissions" administrative permission you can send welcome emails for a specific user.
(Delete User). If you have "Manage Users and Permissions" administrative permission and the user is not associated with things like work orders or approval paths, then they can be deleted.
(Edit User). If you have "Manage Users and Permissions" administrative permission, then you can edit the user.
(Inactivate User). If you have "Manage Users and Permissions" administrative permission and the user IS associated to things like work orders or approval paths, then you can inactivate the user instead of delete.
(Replace). If you have "Manage Users and Permissions" administrative permission, then you can replace users with other existing users. For more information click here.
(Impersonate). If you have the "can impersonate" administrative permission, then you can imperonate the user (replicating their exact experience in the product)
2. In the top right corner, select Actions > Add User to add a new user.
3. Enter the User's First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email Address. A labor rate can be added for those users that will be entering labor hours on the work orders. A default Building and Space for submitting work order requests can also be added.
The External ID field for a user is a field that can be manually entered or it can be synced over from the following single sign on options
- Google SSO - EmployeeID field from Google
- SAML Google - EmployeeID field from SAML Google
- SAML Azure - EmployeeID field from SAML Azure
- SAML Okta - EmployeeNumber from SAML Okta
4. To add a Role to the user, select the Add Role button within the Roles section.
5. Select the Role, Building, and Request Type, Systems/Types, and Inventory Categories/Types, then select the Checkmark button to add the role.
6. To grant the user Administrative Permissions, check off the necessary checkboxes for:
- Can Delete Work Order - Allows the user to delete Work Orders.
- Can Merge Work Orders - Allows the user to merge Work Orders.
- Manage Site Settings - Allows the user to add/edit buildings and spaces.
- Manage Users and Permissions - Allows users to add/edit user roles and permissions.
- Mass Update - Allows the user to mass update work order, assets and inventory records.
- View User Details - Allows user to view user detail pages to see Work Order History by user, currently assigned/checked out assets and check-out history for that specific user.
- Enhanced Reports - Allows users to access our enhanced dashboards for Work Orders and Assets.
- Can Impersonate - Allows users to impersonate another user. This can be helpful for troubleshooting any permission-related issue.
7. Select the Save button and repeat steps 1-6 for any new users.
Note: The following message may appear if you use both MLW and MLD. "Please note that this change will also impact the settings on ML Drawings”
For a video walkthrough on adding and editing a user account, please click here: http://videos.masterlibrary.com/watch/XDzmJgVJC5VpcueASNopuA
Additional Viewing Options for the Manage Users Page.
Sorting Columns.
1. Select the column header to sort all users based on that specific column.
Note: The column will be highlighted in blue when it is being sorted on.
Filter Users.
1. By selecting the three vertical dots within the header, each column can be filtered further.
A menu will be displayed that allows you to filter specific selections within the selected column.
2. Select the checkbox next to each item you would like to filter on, and then select the Filter button at the bottom of the menu.
Filters Users by Administrative Permissions
You can also filter users by which administrative permission they have with the "- Select Admin Permission-" dropdown
1. Start by selecting the "- Select Admin Permission-" dropdown
2. Select the specific administrative permission you would like to filter the users against
Adding Columns for filtering and sorting.
More columns can be added for additional filtering options. You can add columns by selecting the columns button ( ) at the top right of the page. Next, select a column you want to display and click the right arrow (in red).
If you need to remove a column, select the options you want to remove on the right-hand-side and choose the left arrow (in green)
User Detail Page
You must have either Admin permission "View User Details" or "Manage Users and Permissions" to access the user detail page.
To find the user detail page, navigate to Manage Users and select the linked name on the Manage Users page.
This detail page can be a great way to easily find work order submission history, currently assigned assets and checkout history for the user you are viewing. Below includes a breakdown of each area within each tab of the User Detail Page.
Left Side User Summary
This left side summary provides high level information and quick access to action on the user you are viewing and will always be present on each tab you navigate to.
- Edit User - Will only be accessible if the logged-in user has "Manage Users and Permissions" Admin Permission
Send Welcome Email - will only be accessible if the logged-in user has “Manage Users and Permissions” Admin Permission
Replace User - will only be accessible if the logged-in user has “Manage Users and Permissions” Admin Permission
Inactivate User - will only be accessible if the logged-in user has “Manage Users and Permissions” Admin Permission and if the user can be inactivated (see Cannot Inactivate/Delete Reasons section in Roles tab for more info)
Activate User - will only be accessible if the logged-in user has “Manage Users and Permissions” Admin Permission
Delete User - will only be accessible if the logged-in user has “Manage Users and Permissions” Admin Permission and if the user can be Deleted (see Cannot Inactivate/Delete Reasons section in Roles tab for more info)
- Submit Work Order - will only be accessible if the logged-in user has "can submit request on behalf of others" permission in their role
Check-Out Asset(s)
- This option will only be accessible if you have the "edit assigned user" asset permission
- This will open a window that will allow you to check-out many assets to the user you are viewing.
- If you have a barcode scanner connected to your laptop or mobile device via Bluetooth or USB, you can leverage the barcode scanner while the cursor is selected in the asset field.
- If you are looking to scan QR codes, please use the scan icon to the right of the asset field.
- Once you scan or search an asset, you will see the name and the available barcodes in the row values
- Once you select "Check-Out" you will get the following confirmation prompt
- Select "OK" and your check-out is complete.
Check-In Asset(s)
- This option will only be accessible if you have the "edit assigned user" asset permission AND the user you are viewing has assets currently checked out to them.
- This option will allow you to Check-In asset(s) that are currently checked out by the user you are viewing
- For each asset you want to check back in, select the checkbox for the asset record. If you would like to indicate different return dates for the asset(s), please use the date field to adjust the date to the correct return date
- Select "OK" in the confirmation prompt to complete your Check-In
Profile Image
- The uploaded image on the user's profile page will display here, the same image that displays in the notification bell feed
Open Work Orders
- Total of currently open work orders submitted by the user, which includes work orders that were submitted on behalf of this user.
Total Work Orders
- Total work orders submitted by the user, which includes work orders that were submitted on behalf of this user.
Assigned Assets
- Each asset assigned to the user you are viewing will be displayed here in a comma-separated list
- Note: Some assets will include clickable hyperlinks which take you to see more details of the asset record. Whether a hyperlink displays along with the asset name or not is dependent on the logged in users permission. If the logged-in user has either "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permission on the asset record, a hyperlink will display.
- Each asset assigned to the user you are viewing will be displayed here in a comma-separated list
Roles Tab
The roles tab will only display if the logged in user has the admin permission "Manage Users and Permissions"
Roles Section
- Each role assigned to the user you are viewing will be displayed here.
- The Role names are clickable links that open a new tab of managing that role, allowing you to see all the permission configurations for the role with one click.
Administrative Section
- All of the Administrative permissions for the user you are viewing displayed here as a true/false to help see the information at a glance.
Cannot Inactivate/Delete Reasons Section
- This section will list out the reasons why you can not Inactivate or Delete a User
- For more information or to see a list of reasons a user cannot be inactivated or deleted, please go here
Work Orders Tab
The Work Orders tab will be visible to any user that has "View User Detail Page" admin permission.
The Work Order tab will display all Open, Closed, and All Work Orders submitted by the user you are viewing. This includes Work Orders submitted on behalf of the user you are currently viewing. You can toggle between Open, Closed and All Work Orders via the filter dropdown in the top left of the Work Order Section.
Just like on the main work order pages, you can Print Detail PDFs and Print Work Forms for selected work orders.
- Note: The content of the Work Orders that display will be based on the logged-in user's roles/permissions.
Assets Tab
The Assets Tab will be visible if the logged-in user has either "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permission in their role.
Assigned Assets Section
Add Dropdown
- This dropdown displays a list of assets dependent on the logged-in user's roles/permissions to quickly assign an asset to the user you are viewing
- Please note: logged in user needs "Edit Assigned User" asset permission on the asset to assign it to the user you are viewing
- The "i" icon explains this for convenience to limit confusion on the permissioning needed for assets to populate in this dropdown
- The Barcode Scanning icon will allow you to scan a barcode to quickly find an asset and assign it to this user
- If the scanned asset already is assigned to this user, the below prompt message will display
- If the scanned asset falls outside of the logged-in users permissions, then the below prompt message will display
- If the scanned asset can not be found, the below prompt message will display
- If the scanned asset already is assigned to this user, the below prompt message will display
- This dropdown displays a list of assets dependent on the logged-in user's roles/permissions to quickly assign an asset to the user you are viewing
Assigned Assets
- Asset visibility on each row of this section is based on the logged-in user's roles and permissions. The logged-in user will need "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permissions on the asset record to see the asset record.
- An easy way to know if you have access to the asset is if the asset name in the left side summary "Assigned Asset(s)" section is hyperlinked.
- Asset Display Name - this column link will open a new tab of the asset record detail page to see more details.
- Has Open WO (Work Order) - this column will display a "YES" or "NO" if the asset has any open work orders associated to it.
- If there is a "YES", it will be clickable to open a list of Work Order(s) that are opened and associated with the asset record.
- Asset visibility on each row of this section is based on the logged-in user's roles and permissions. The logged-in user will need "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permissions on the asset record to see the asset record.
) Actions menu
Unassign Asset
- This action will quickly un-assign the asset record from this user.
- This action will only display if the logged-in user has "Edit Assigned User" asset permission on the asset record AND if the asset is not already checked out.
- To Note:
- The only way to remove the assigned user of a checked out asset, is to check the asset back in.
- As mentioned above, the logged-in user only needs "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permission to view the asset record, so there is a difference in permissioning when it comes to viewing the asset record vs the actions that can be performed with it.
- To Note:
Submit Work Order
- This action will only display if the logged-in user has "Submit Request On Behalf of Others" Work Order permission.
- This action will open up the Work Order Request form with Requestor, Building, Space, and Asset fields already pre-filled out.
- This action will only display if the logged-in user has "Submit Request On Behalf of Others" Work Order permission.
- This action will only appear based on the following criteria
- The asset records asset type can be checked out
- The asset records status is "Available" or blank
- The logged-in user has the "edit assigned user" asset permission in their role
- This action will check out the asset to the user you are currently viewing. This will open a similar checkout prompt that we use from the asset record page, this time with the assign to section pre-filled out.
- Change space
- This option will only appear if the logged-in user has the "edit asset space" asset permission in their role
- The space selection will default to the current space the asset is associated to. You can update the space location of the asset to a more accurate location while it is being checked out
- This action will only display if the following conditions are met:
- The Asset Type of the Asset record (via Manage Asset Type -> Edit page) has the "Allow Assets to be Checked out" setting checked.
- The Asset record has to have an "Asset Status" of blank or "Available"
- The logged-in user has to have either "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permission on the asset record
- The Asset Type of the Asset record (via Manage Asset Type -> Edit page) has the "Allow Assets to be Checked out" setting checked.
- This action will only appear based on the following criteria
- This action will only appear based on the following criteria
- The asset record is already checked out
- The logged in user has the "edit assigned user" asset permission in their role
- This action will check-in the asset from the user you are currently viewing. This will open a similar check-in prompt that we use from the asset record page. Just like with checking in from the asset page, this check-in will un-assign the user you are viewing from the asset record automatically.
- Change space
- This option will only appear if the logged on user has the "edit asset space" asset permission in their role
- The space selection will default to the space the asset was located at prior to the asset check-out. If the asset space did not change when it was checked out, then the space will default will keep the same space.
- This action will only display if the following conditions are met:
- The asset is already checked out
- The logged in user has either "Edit Asset" or "View Asset" permissions on the asset record
- This action will only appear based on the following criteria
Unassign Asset
Check-Out History Tab
The Check-Out History Tab will be visible if the logged in user has either "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permission in their role.
The Check-Out History section will display the Checkout History logs of all currently/previously assigned assets to the user you are viewing.
- The assets that display here are dependent on the logged in user's permissions. If the logged in user has either "View Asset" or "Edit Asset" permission for the asset record, then they can see the record on this tab.
- The Asset Display Name hyperlink will direct you to the asset record detail page to see more details.
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